



这篇博文中的相关系数和显著水平成了评测哪一种预测效果更佳的决策参数,在此分析的基础上,对前几天的多项式函数拟合算法和幂函数指数函数的函数拟合多增加一个返回 相关系数*(1-显著水平) 的参数来评估对应的曲线对于函数拟合究竟是哪一种方式拥有更加好的效果。


#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# @Time  : 2020/7/25 18:55
# @Author: hdq
# @File  : myfunctool.py

# 将会有更精准的拟合效果,但是载入速度更慢

from tools import funcmodel as func1
from tools import funcmodel2  as func2

#selectmode:1 func1,2 fucn2,3 func1 or func2
def find_logical(y, inpercent=100, limitfunc=lambda x: x ** 3,selectmode=3):
    fit_coef, alist, x, score=None,None,None,None
    fit_coef2, x2, func, score2=None,None,None,None
    if selectmode==3:
        fit_coef, alist, x, score = func1.auto_find_logical(y, inpercent)
        fit_coef2, x2, func, score2 = func2.find_logical(y, limitfunc)
    elif selectmode==2:
        fit_coef2, x2, func, score2 = func2.find_logical(y, limitfunc)
    elif selectmode==1:
        fit_coef, alist, x, score = func1.auto_find_logical(y, inpercent)

    if selectmode==1 or (selectmode == 3 and score > score2):
        return 1, fit_coef, alist,score, x
        return 2, fit_coef2, func,score2, x2

def func_general(info, x):
    if info[0] == 1:
        return func1.func_general(info[1], x)
        return info[2](x, *info[1])

def auto_func(x, y, inpercent=100, limitfunc=lambda x: x ** 3,selectmode=3):
    fit_coef, alist, score = None, None, None
    fit_coef2, func, score2 = None, None, None
    if selectmode == 3:
        fit_coef, alist, score = func1.auto_ax_bfit(x, y, inpercent)
        fit_coef2, func, score2 = func2.polyfit(x, y, limitfunc)
    elif selectmode == 2:
        fit_coef2, func, score2 = func2.polyfit(x, y, limitfunc)
    elif selectmode == 1:
        fit_coef, alist, score = func1.auto_ax_bfit(x, y, inpercent)
    if selectmode==1 or (selectmode == 3 and score > score2):
        return 1, fit_coef, alist,score, x
        return 2, fit_coef2, func,score2, x

# 展示函数图像
def show_func(info, x_min, x_max, exactvalue=201):
    if info[0] == 1:
        func1.show_func(info[1], x_min, x_max, exactvalue)
        func2.show_func(info[1], info[2], x_min, x_max, exactvalue)

# 得到函数公式
def get_func(info):
    result = "F(x)="
    if info[0] == 1:
        lennum = len(info[1])
        for i in range(lennum):
            if i == 0:
                result += "("+str(info[1][i])+")"
                result += "+("+str(info[1][i])+")"
            if (lennum - i) > 1:
                result += "X^%d" % (lennum - i)
            elif i == (lennum - 2):
                result += "X"
        if info[2].__name__ == "func_exxaxx":
            result += "(%e)*e^(%e)X+(%e)X^(%e)+(%e)X^(%e)X+(%e)" % (
                info[1][0], info[1][1], info[1][2], info[1][3], info[1][4], info[1][5], info[1][6])
        elif info[2].__name__ == "func_exxa":
            result += "(%e)*e^(%e)X+(%e)X^(%e)+(%e)" % (info[1][0], info[1][1], info[1][2], info[1][3], info[1][4])
        elif info[2].__name__ == "func_exxx":
            result += "(%e)*e^(%e)X+(%e)X^(%e)X+(%e)" % (info[1][0], info[1][1], info[1][2], info[1][3], info[1][4])
        elif info[2].__name__ == "func_xaxx":
            result += "(%e)X^(%e)+(%e)X^(%e)X+(%e)" % (info[1][0], info[1][1], info[1][2], info[1][3], info[1][4])
        elif info[2].__name__ == "func_ex":
            result += "(%e)*e^(%e)X+(%e)" % (info[1][0], info[1][1], info[1][2])
        elif info[2].__name__ == "func_xa":
            result += "(%e)X^(%e)+(%e)" % (info[1][0], info[1][1], info[1][2])
        elif info[2].__name__ == "func_xx":
            result += "(%e)X^(%e)X+(%e)" % (info[1][0], info[1][1], info[1][2])
    return result
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