# Word Jumble猜单词游戏 import random #用字典创建单词序列 D1=dict(crawled="爬行",stimulate="刺激",difficult="困难",answer="回答",derive="得到",phone="手机",game="游戏" ,hello="你好",economic="经济",protocol="礼仪") D2=dict(爬行="crawled",刺激="stimulate",困难="difficult",回答="answer",得到="derive",手机="phone",游戏="game" ,你好="hello",经济="economic",礼仪="protocol") # start the game print( """ 欢迎参加猜单词游戏 根据汉语猜测单词,或者根据单词猜测汉语意思. """ ) x="y" while x=="y" or x=="Y": print("本游戏有如下两种规则: ") print("1:根据汉语猜测单词 ") print("2:根据单词猜测汉语 ") print("请输入你的选择:") a=int(input()) if a==1 : iscontinue="y" while iscontinue=="y" or iscontinue=="Y": word=random.choice(list(D1.values())) print("随机生成汉语意思为:", word) guess = input(" 请你猜满足该汉语意思的单词: ") while guess != D2[word] and guess != "": print("对不起不正确.") guess = input("继续猜: ") if guess == D2[word]: print("真棒,你猜对了! ") iscontinue=input(" 是否继续(Y/N):") elif a==2 : iscontinue="y" while iscontinue=="y" or iscontinue=="Y": word=random.choice(list(D1.keys())) print("随机生成单词为:", word) guess = input(" 请你猜给定单词的汉语意思: ") while guess != D1[word] and guess != "": print("对不起不正确.") guess = input("继续猜: ") if guess == D1[word]: print("真棒,你猜对了! ") iscontinue=input(" 是否继续(Y/N):") else: x=input("输入不合法是否重新输入(Y/N):")