import pymysql conn=pymysql.connect(host="",port=3306,user="root",password="123",database="db4",charset="utf8mb4") #游标 cursor=conn.cursor() #执行完毕返回的结果集默认以元组显示 # cursor.execute("insert into user(name,pwd) values("egon","123"),("tom","456"),("jack","111");") # sql="insert into user(name,pwd) values("%s","%s");" %("lili","123") # cursor.execute(sql) # %s不要加引号 # cursor.execute("insert into user(name,pwd) values(%s,%s);",("kkk","123")) username = input("username>>>: ").strip() password = input("password>>>: ").strip() # sql = "select * from user where name="%s" and pwd="%s"" %(username,password) # select * from user where name="egon" -- hello" and pwd="%s" # select * from user where name="xxx" or 1=1 -- hello" and pwd="%s"; # rows=cursor.execute(sql) rows=cursor.execute("select * from user where name=%s and pwd=%s",(username,password)) if rows: print("ok") else: print("no") conn.commit() cursor.close() conn.close()